When resources and reputations are at stake, effective litigation support involves much more than technical expertise. Successful support requires the ability to educate, contribute to trial strategy and present facts in both a concise and understandable way.
For the past 6 years, Senior Environmental and Engineering Ltd has provided expert testimony and litigation support services for contaminant issues including timing, release mechanisms, cost allocation, liability and natural resource damages cases across East Africa for pharmaceutical, manufacturing, and oil industry clients, among others.
Through the appointment of dedicated teams with the best blend of staff to provide both cost effectiveness as well as the right amount and level of senior technical expertise, we work responsively to review and assimilate large quantities of data, identify gaps in information, conduct environmental forensic fieldwork, interpret regulations and organize technical conclusions to support the over-arching legal strategy. If litigation ensues, we stand ready to provide expert witnesses in the geology, hydrogeology, contaminant conditions, health and safety, and engineering fields to present testimony as needed.
Our Litigation Support Services include:
- Affidavit Submittals
- Agency Rulemaking
- Administrative Hearings
- Depositions
- Document Reviews
- Historical Site Analysis
- Mediation
- Report Preparation
- Strategy Development
- Trial Preparation